TAU Canada presents …

Dr. Michael Tenenbaum attended McGill University where he obtained his B.Sc. and D.D.S. degrees. After a residency in Family Dentistry at the Herzl Clinic of the Jewish General Hospital he went into private practice as a co-founder of the West Island Health Centre in Dollard-des-Ormeaux.
Michael brings a wealth of experience in community work and fundraising to CFTAU. He served as Vice-President of Congregation Beth Tikvah, in Dollard-des-Ormeaux, as well as President of Camp Bnai Brith of Montreal. He is a Past Chair of the Dental Division of UJA and a Past Co-chair of Super Sunday for which he received the Young Leadership Award. Michael has been on the Dental Committee of Israel Bonds for many years and was the Honouree for the Dental Division in 2000.
Professionally, he has been very involved in the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity and served as President of the Alpha Omega Mount Royal Dental Society and Vice-President of the Federation of Dental Societies of Greater Montreal. He is a Past Chairman of the Alpha Omega Foundation of Canada. He served as International President of Alpha Omega in 2011 and was a key leader in the recent campaign for the Rothstein-Williamowsky Post Graduate Clinic at the Dental School at Tel Aviv University which was founded by Alpha Omega. Michael was honoured with a pillar by the Montreal Alumni Chapter.