Tribute Cards
Extension of 2024 charitable donations! The Canada Post strike severely limited charitable giving during the most philanthropic time of year. In response, the Government of Canada has announced plans to allow donations made in January and February of 2025 to be applied to 2024 tax returns. Please seize this opportunity to support TAU Canada today!
Tribute Gifts are a meaningful way to honour family and friends while supporting Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University. You can choose to designate your gift to a specific program area or to support the area of greatest need at the University.
Give in Memory
With a tribute gift In Memory of someone special, you can honour the passing of a loved one or a friend by making a heartfelt contribution. We will send a printed card acknowledging your thoughtful gift to the bereaved family or another designated recipient.
Give in Honour
Celebrate an occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, bar or bat mitzvah, birth, engagement, Rosh Hashanah or just to say thank you with a tribute gift in honour of someone special. We will send a printed card with your special message to the person(s) being honoured.
Should you wish to send a tribute card for any occasion please fill out the attached form.