TAU Canada presents …

Shir Magen
- Ontario & Western Canada Board Member
- Graduate TAU Sofaer Global MBA
- HomeStars CEO
TAU Canada is thrilled to welcome Shir Magen to our Ontario & Western Canada Board. Shir is an undeniable powerhouse. Daring and empowering, modest and motivating, the HomeStars CEO epitomizes true leadership and brightness. Crediting her impassioned perseverance to her Israeli roots, she melds the convictions that giving up is not an option and that life is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest.
With a creative background in Interior Design, Shir also felt the pull of business and infrastructure early in her career. In fact, her ability to take existing systems and turn them on their ear has been a significant factor in her success.
A graduate of the inaugural class of the TAU Sofaer Global MBA, Shir did not hesitate to move from Toronto to Tel Aviv to enroll in the fledgling business program. Certain that TAU would deliver a world-class program, and always eager to tackle new challenges and opportunities head on, Shir routinely draws upon her formative Sofaer friendships and learning.
Shir was drawn to the program partly due to the excitement of being one of 50 students from an amazing 20 country span, knowing she could learn from her diverse classmates as well as her internationally accomplished professors. The beach and Tel Aviv social scene may have also been a factor.
Back in Canada at the corporate and creative helm of HomeStars, she speaks glowingly about the friends and colleagues she met through Sofaer, clearly proud and grateful to have so many meaningful connections around the world.
Though humble in her expression, Shir is mindful of her responsibility and capacity as a role model for women in leadership, particularly in the tech space. She thinks about her young daughter and other children and youth and is deeply aware of their need for strong, positive and diverse leaders and innovators.
Central to Shir’s boldness of vision and action is her conviction that a strong team is integral to success. She invests heavily in creating a culture of collaboration, openness and inclusivity.
TAU Canada is excited and impressed by Shir’s inspirational and fearless leadership style. We are deeply proud and grateful that Shir has joined our regional Board, and very much welcome her unique voice.